African Countries

  1. 1. This is the largest city in Africa but it isn't the capital.
  2. 5. The only market listed in our 6 countries.
  3. 6. Kenya’s eastern border has approximately 330 miles of ___________.
  4. 8. Both the Congo and Nigeria have this type of animal.
  5. 9. Kenya's and Southerners eat a lot of these types of greens.
  6. 11. This country is approximately a quarter of the size of the US.
  7. 13. The most common spoken language especially for business and commerce.
  8. 14. ________ Africa has the largest economy on the continent of Africa.
  9. 16. _________ and English are spoken in Kenya
  10. 17. e_____ grows in the Congo River Basin
  11. 18. This country has a specific white-throat monkey that is __________.
  12. 20. There are 2 lakes in Kenya Victoria and _________.
  1. 2. Lagos lies on the on the Gulf of _________.
  2. 3. The longest river in the world.
  3. 4. The capital of the country where the White Nile and Blue Nile tributaries join to create the Nile River.
  4. 5. These giant land birds can not fly but are very fast and found in the southern part of Africa.
  5. 7. The country known as a melting pot where over 200 ethnic groups call home.
  6. 9. The 3rd largest city in Africa has been around since 969 CE
  7. 10. The capital and 2nd largest city in Africa.
  8. 12. _______ of the Kings in Egypt contains King Tut's Tomb
  9. 15. _____ white sharks live in the waters around this country.
  10. 19. Most of this country is desert causing 95% of its inhabitants to live in only 5% of its land.