African Food

  1. 5. One of South African meat specialties; skewered, curried mutton
  2. 8. The cuisines of _____ Africa are predominantly vegetarian, influenced in part by Arab, Asian Indian, and British fare.
  3. 10. The ______, which bridges the desert regions of North Africa and the tropical forests of West and East Africa, has a cuisine reflecting both Middle Eastern and African influence.
  4. 12. _____ oil was the predominant fat used in cooking, giving many dishes a red hue in West African cuisine.
  5. 14. The addition of _______, hot chili peppers, and onions as seasoning was so common that these items were simply referred to as “the ingredients” in West African cuisines.
  6. 15. ________ are the core food of Tanzania. They are used in soups (with or without beef), stews, fritters, custards, and even wine.
  7. 17. Ethiopian foods are frequently flavored with a hot spice mixture known as _________, which includes allspice, cardamom, cayenne, cinnamon, cloves, coriander, cumin, fenugreek, ginger, nutmeg, and black pepper.
  1. 1. In East African cuisines, _______ milk, chili peppers, and curry spice blends flavor many dishes.
  2. 2. Consumption of foods made from ______, a banana leaf plant, common in many parts of Ethiopia, is associated with esophageal cancer.
  3. 3. ____ meaning stew, is the national dish of Ethiopia.
  4. 4. The practice of eating nonnutritive substances such as clay, chalk, and laundry starch, is one of the most perplexing of all food habits practiced by African Americans.
  5. 6. ________ remains a prestigious meat in many regions today in West African cuisine.
  6. 7. Legumes were popular throughout West Africa. _________ were especially valued and were eaten raw, boiled, roasted, or ground into meal, flour, or paste.
  7. 9. The popularity of _____ food - a term coined in the 1960s for traditional southern black cuisines-is notable.
  8. 11. In Kenya, the national dish is ______, a very thick doughy cornmeal porridge. It is also found in Tanzania.
  9. 13. Through Ethiopia is landlocked, Eritrea and Somalia have lengthy coastal access along the horn of Africa. _________ (including a variety unique to the region called teff), sorghum, and plantains are the staple foods produced, and coffee is the leading export crop.
  10. 16. ______ is still one of the most popular methods of preparing food by African Americans.