African Poverty Crossword

  1. 3. ______ and inadequate governments keep money from reaching African citizens
  2. 8. Less than 20% of African _____ have access to education
  3. 10. Set to double by 2050 (Africa’s ________ )
  4. 11. There are high _____ rate because they can’t afford birth control
  5. 15. What causes African countries to lack money
  6. 16. Common disease in Africa that weakens immune system
  7. 17. _____ countries experience more poverty than African countries along the coast
  8. 19. Many countries experience __________ conflicts due to ethnic and religious differences
  9. 21. Life sustaining resource that 37% of Africans lack access to
  10. 23. Country with largest amount of people in extreme poverty
  11. 24. Region of Africa where poverty is worst
  12. 27. _____ is having a scarce amount of money and essential resources needed to live
  13. 28. There is poverty in ________ country in Africa
  14. 29. This is hard to do because they don’t have any money for anything but the necessities
  1. 1. Something that landlocked countries lack
  2. 2. Poverty isn’t getting better partly because the ____ is stealing from the poor
  3. 4. Poverty can cause a rise of __________, or lack of jobs
  4. 5. There are high infant ________ rates due to disease and malnourishment
  5. 6. One of the main causes of poverty in Africa (poor _______)
  6. 7. Overplanting can lead to soil ________ and infertile land
  7. 9. Country with 93% of Citizens in extreme poverty
  8. 12. Many countries in Africa have corrupt and _____ governments
  9. 13. The have little money for _______ of life
  10. 14. Lack of ____ leads to an endless cycle of poverty
  11. 18. Lack of food
  12. 20. Area that experiences more poverty than urban centers
  13. 22. The ______ on the land are too expensive to access or to make usable
  14. 25. 7/10 of the most ______ countries on the Earth are in Africa
  15. 26. _____ would leave Africa and crowd other countries because of the extreme poverty