AG-anthony esparza

  1. 2. the practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop each year,to avoid exhausting the soil.
  2. 3. a farm in which no one lives, work is done by migrant workers
  3. 5. the cultivation of domesticated crops and the raising of domesticated animals
  4. 7. farming to supply the minimum food and materials necessary to survive
  5. 11. the art science and practice of studying and managing forests and plantations,and related natural resources
  6. 13. a secound crop is planted after the first has been harvested
  7. 14. characteristics of farmers or their way of life
  8. 15. the killing of wild game and the harvesting of wild plants to provide food in traditional cultures
  1. 1. the cultivation of rice on a paddy
  2. 4. highly mechanized, large scale farming, under corporate ownership
  3. 6. a commercial type of agriculture that produces fattened cattle and hogs for meat
  4. 8. currently in progress, it has as its principle orientation the development of genetically modified organism (GMO'S)
  5. 9. commercial gardening and fruit farming
  6. 10. the culture of agricultural areas
  7. 12. the feeding relationships between species in a biotic community