Ag-Blake Erickson

  1. 2. means any technological application that uses biological systems
  2. 7. cultivation of crops in tropical forests
  3. 8. animals kept for some utilitarian reason whose breading is controlled by humans
  4. 9. highly mechanized, large scale farming
  5. 11. the practice of rotating use of different fields from crop to crop
  6. 12. a factory like farm devoted to either livestock fattening or dairying
  7. 13. the cultivation of aquatic organisms especially for food
  8. 14. a class of agriculture
  9. 15. the cultivation of domesticated crops
  10. 16. changes made to the environment
  11. 18. expenditure of much labor
  1. 1. a second crop is planted after the first one was harvested
  2. 3. regards a system of agriculture organization whereas farm laborers are not compensated via wages
  3. 4. characteristic of farmers or their way of life
  4. 5. dating back 10,000 years, it achieved plant and animal domestication
  5. 6. the cultural landscape of agricultural areas
  6. 10. term used to describe large scale farming
  7. 17. the continual movement of livestock in search of forage for animals