AG Business

  1. 5. price paid for use of borrowed money
  2. 6. to make less severe
  3. 7. anything that had value and is owned by the business
  4. 8. Loss: result of expenses being higher than income or total revenue
  5. 9. expense: costs that stay consistent monthly.
  6. 11. sum of money given by government for a particular purpose
  7. 13. value: true value
  8. 16. Original amount
  9. 19. Value: estimated value of a fixed asset at the end of it's useful life.
  10. 21. above what is used or needed
  11. 22. practice of using credit to increase total capital managed beyond amount of owners equity
  12. 23. Wealth in the form of money or other assets owned by a person or business
  13. 25. a loss in value
  14. 26. luxury items
  15. 28. plan of how and where expenses will go and what income will do
  16. 29. has a board of directors
  1. 1. no profit and no loss
  2. 2. short term health of a business
  3. 3. increase in value
  4. 4. Sheet: list of assets and liability
  5. 10. something owed or due
  6. 12. food,water,clothing,shelter
  7. 14. Ration of net income to total assets
  8. 15. income: Total income before expenses are paid
  9. 17. a book in which farm accounts are kept
  10. 18. An act of helpful activity
  11. 20. legal responsibility with employees and money
  12. 24. raw material
  13. 27. money made after expenses