Age description of live stock
- 1. Adult female cattle
- 4. Adult female pig
- 7. Young cattle
- 9. Adult female chicken
- 10. Young chicken
- 11. Young female chicken
- 15. Intact male cattle
- 16. Intact male chicken
- 18. Adult female sheep
- 19. Castrated male cattle
- 21. Intact male sheep
- 22. Intact male pig
- 1. Castrated male chicken
- 2. Young horse
- 3. Intact male goat
- 5. Castrated male sheep and goat
- 6. Young goat
- 8. Young female horse
- 11. Young pig
- 12. Young female pig that hasn't farrowed
- 13. Adult female horse
- 14. Adult female goat
- 15. Castrated male pig
- 17. Young female cattle that hasn't calved
- 20. Young sheep