Age of Exploration to Nationalism

  1. 2. William of ______
  2. 7. Oliver the "Lord Protector"
  3. 8. The estate of the majority of French people
  4. 9. The Galilei who found Saturn's rings
  5. 10. Peter taxed this facial feature
  6. 11. Napoleon probably shouldn't have invaded this country
  7. 12. Enlighten satirist who loved freedom of speech
  8. 14. Marie Antoinette really didn't care if they ate this
  9. 15. Russian secret police under Ivan
  10. 16. Political maps show this
  11. 17. Thinkers of the Enlightenment
  12. 20. Louis XIV's Palace
  13. 24. Bismarck's philosophy
  14. 27. William and Mary were _______ in their constitutional monarchy
  15. 29. He thought inductively and therefore he was
  16. 31. His universe was like a giant watch
  17. 32. Discovered elliptical orbits
  18. 35. The women of Paris led these meetings
  19. 36. Greece didn't want to be part of this empire
  20. 37. This Lost character described a social contract
  21. 40. Montesquieu believed in separation of these
  22. 41. Monarchs like Louis, Ivan and Peter
  23. 42. One of Italy's main unifiers
  24. 43. Women marched to Versailles because of its high price
  1. 1. Charles I lost this
  2. 3. Da Gama sailed around it to get to India
  3. 4. Ptolemy's __-centric universe
  4. 5. Number of hours in a day in Robespierre's society
  5. 6. A people that wants a state
  6. 7. published his controversial findings on his deathbed
  7. 8. Ivan started good, but was mostly...
  8. 10. The "Father of Empiricism"
  9. 12. America named after him
  10. 13. The people of the 1800s who like monarchies
  11. 18. He refused to call Parliament into session
  12. 19. Ancient Greek physician
  13. 21. Deadly gift to Americas from Europe
  14. 22. This Congress redrew European borders
  15. 23. Russian nobles
  16. 25. Government should protect life, ____ and property
  17. 26. The Paris prison captured during the Revolution
  18. 28. The ______ Court Oath
  19. 30. Shape of European trade to Americas
  20. 33. "American" food that led to population boom
  21. 34. A Puritan supporter of Parliament's head shape
  22. 38. Peter the Great wanted Russia to look more like the ____
  23. 39. Type of ship used by European Explorers