
  1. 3. A piece of paper on which a member writes or marks a choice in an election or vote. A secret vote or method of voting.
  2. 4. One who has been elected or appointed to hold an official position in an organization.
  3. 5. The paying out of funds.
  4. 9. A member who determines if individuals may attend a meeting by checking credentials and eligibility of persons entering a meeting.
  5. 11. A meeting of an authorized group to listen to the views of members or others on a specific subject.
  6. 14. Examination of an organization\'s financial records.
  7. 16. To meet together or to be summoned to a meeting. To open a meeting or convention.
  8. 17. A motion or procedure that violates the rules of an organization.
  9. 18. To be attached to and dependent on. An example would be a pending amendment that is adhered to the motion to which it is applied.
  10. 19. To cut off from membership or attendance.
  11. 20. A proposal at a meeting that certain action be taken or certain views about a subject be expressed by the assembly
  12. 27. Against; on the negative side; as, to argue pro and con.
  13. 28. Speakers are usually arranged on either side of the panel chairman. Those with similar views are placed together. The audience can usually ask questions.
  14. 29. Specific rules related to structure and administration that an organization makes for itself. Elaborations of the constitution.
  15. 33. May be discussed. That which is open for discussion.
  16. 34. One or more members appointed or elected to complete a specific task.
  17. 36. Closely related. Examples would be that an amendment must be germane to the main motion and debate must be germane to the pending main motion.
  18. 37. The debate that follows after the chair has stated a debatable motion.
  19. 38. One who is selected as a contender for, or who seeks, an office.
  20. 39. To choose a person as a candidate to fill an office or other elected position.
  21. 40. A motion used by the United States Senate to close debate.
  22. 42. Speakers are usually arranged on either side of the panel chairman. Those with similar views are placed together. The audience can usually ask questions.
  23. 44. Enthusiastic approval by a voice vote.
  24. 45. An open meeting for a special reason of a group of people with a common interest.
  25. 46. Any official request for a parliamentary action that a member has the right to assert by himself.
  26. 47. Important matters brought before an assembly for action.
  27. 48. An assembly for the discussion of public affairs.
  28. 50. A meeting to decide action towards a motion or event.
  1. 1. A title used by some organizations to refer to the presiding officer. It should only be used when specified in the bylaws.
  2. 2. A consultant who advises the officers, committees, and members on matters regarding parliamentary procedure.
  3. 6. A person who has been nominated.
  4. 7. A reprimand or admonition; to find fault.
  5. 8. A reading desk with a slanted top.
  6. 10. A legal document which includes the name, object, and other required information of a society.
  7. 12. Presiding officer mallet. Usually used when there is a breach of order, to adjourn a meeting, and to signal a recess.
  8. 13. An itemized estimate of income and disbursements.
  9. 15. A platform raised above the floor of a hall or a large room.
  10. 18. Temporary inactivity, cessation, or suspension, to withhold action.
  11. 21. A short, intensive series of lectures, discussions, etc., designed for a particular occupational group.
  12. 22. An assembly.
  13. 23. As distinguished from bylaws, the governing document of the parent organization which all subordinate organizations must follow.
  14. 24. A member who makes a record of what is done at a meeting
  15. 25. A dilatory or frivolous motion used to delay action.
  16. 26. A generic title that refers to either a man or woman. The presiding officer who conducts a meeting
  17. 30. A meeting held for discussion and consultation.
  18. 31. A member who prepares a narrative account of an organization\s activities.
  19. 32. Based upon the principles of democracy; a society where government by the people is characterized by the principles of political or social equality for all, and identified by the concept that majority rules.
  20. 35. To publicly refrain from voting usually because of a conflict of interest.
  21. 37. To conduct oneself in a proper manner. Examples related to debate would be to refrain from attacking someone's motives, addressing all comments through the chair, avoiding use of members names, avoid speaking against your own motion, and refraining from disturbing the assembly.
  22. 41. To certify as genuine, to authorize or sanction.
  23. 43. Improper or disorderly behavior.
  24. 49. An individual who has joined an organization and has all the rights, duties, and responsibilities that membership requires.