Agriculture Crossword

  1. 2. this agricultural revolution introduced humans to farming
  2. 5. Fill in the Blank: GMO- Genetically-Modified _______
  3. 7. Commercial agriculture mainly occurs in these types of nations
  4. 9. This occurs when you live further than 1 mile away from healthy/fresh food with no vehicle
  5. 10. This has led to rapidly-decreasing population of sea life and deaths of turtles/sharks/dolphins
  6. 11. meeting the needs of the present without sacrificing the future
  1. 1. farming for survival/to feed your family
  2. 3. Most well-known, influential agribusiness in America
  3. 4. companies using food/farming for profit
  4. 6. not having enough healthy/good food for good health
  5. 8. this agricultural revolution introduced complex technology to farming to make it more efficient (1800s)