AI Advancement and Development

  1. 5. Physical growth
  2. 6. Instructions or giving instructions to a form of technology
  3. 8. Smart
  4. 9. Has a definite function or propose
  5. 11. A machine that can move and mimic human motions
  6. 12. Talking person on your phone
  7. 13. Has a screen and keyboard, sometimes a mouse
  8. 15. Can be accessed on a computer or phone
  9. 16. A search engine
  1. 1. Responds to anything
  2. 2. Fake video of someone, did not really happen
  3. 3. Improving
  4. 4. Wealth of a country
  5. 7. Examples include computers, phones, TV, Vehicles
  6. 10. Made by humans
  7. 14. Mobile device used to call people