AI & Technology

  1. 3. Ability of AI to understand and respond to human emotions
  2. 5. Ethical principle of using AI transparently and responsibly
  3. 7. Large language models trained on massive datasets
  4. 12. Ability of AI to learn and improve through experience
  5. 14. AI program designed to play games strategically and competitively
  6. 17. Self-learning algorithms inspired by natural processes
  7. 18. Unmanned aerial vehicles used for mapping and delivery
  8. 19. Autonomous vehicles that navigate without human input
  1. 1. Facial recognition technology with potential privacy concerns
  2. 2. Ethical concern about AI favoring one group over another
  3. 4. Software that can write human-quality text based on prompts
  4. 6. Ethical principle of ensuring AI remains under human control
  5. 8. Programming robots to mimic human movements and actions
  6. 9. Connecting devices and objects for communication and automation
  7. 10. Ethical principle of ensuring AI benefits all of humanity
  8. 11. Simulation of physical world experiences in a computer
  9. 13. Combining real and virtual elements in one environment
  10. 15. Interconnected virtual world for interacting and gaming
  11. 16. Massive computations performed by a network of interconnected computers