Ainsworth - Attachment, Exploration & Separation

  1. 1. Part of the procedure, in which the mother leaves the room.
  2. 3. Attachment pattern - S is not explorative and is upset with mother for leaving room.
  3. 8. Ainsworths studied this through observing the behavior of infants.
  4. 9. Attachment pattern - S shows relief when mother leaves.
  5. 10. ....... situation.
  1. 2. How much the subject plays is measured by:
  2. 4. Maiden last name of Mary Ainsworth.
  3. 5. Ainsworths subjects, and most subjects of other psychological research are...
  4. 6. Strange .........
  5. 7. Attachment pattern - S avoids stranger unless mother is in room.
  6. 8. Attachment pattern - S does not show anxiety when mother leaves and is fine with stranger in the room.