Air Pressure and Plate Tectonics

  1. 4. the theory of how the surface of the Earth changes is the Theory of Plate ?
  2. 6. new crust is formed at these locations on the surface (three words)mountains mountains when plates collide and push into each other crumpling these geologic features are created
  3. 7. Air pressure is measured as ? per square inch
  4. 9. last large major landmass
  5. 10. adding ? to a container can increase the pressure in the container
  1. 1. when a more dense plate slides under a less dense plate
  2. 2. the surface of the Earth is broken into sections called Tectonic ?
  3. 3. you can increase the pressure of a container by adding ? in the container
  4. 5. what in the mantle slowly moves that carry the plates around
  5. 8. the density of air in the space station is the same as to the density on ? at sea level