Airplane Project Vocabulary

  1. 2. an aircraft's ability to maintain/return to its original flight path after a disturbance
  2. 5. moveable part of the horizontal tail; controls pitch
  3. 8. a yaw-aggravated stall that results in a rotation about the vertical axis
  4. 12. moveable part of the vertical fin; controls yaw
  5. 14. one point where all of the lift can be said to be centered
  6. 15. the angle between the left and right wings
  7. 16. the focal point of the lift force
  8. 17. inclination of an aircraft's wings relative to the horizontal plane
  9. 19. the difference in angle between the main wing and the horizontal stabilizer
  10. 21. how far a propeller moves forward in one revolution
  11. 22. drag created by an object moving through a fluid
  12. 24. an aircraft that flies by flapping its wings
  13. 25. an aircraft with a free-rotating rotor and a propeller
  14. 27. fixed or static part of the vertical tail
  15. 28. a wing that has an upward curve on the lower surface
  16. 31. the angle at which the chord of the wing meets the relative wind
  1. 1. the angle between the chord line and a reference line along the fuselage
  2. 3. the movement of an airplane relative to the ground
  3. 4. fuselage-mounted horizontal surface forward of the main wing
  4. 6. the ratio of span to mean chord
  5. 7. pitch divided by diameter
  6. 9. mass of an aircraft divided by the wing area
  7. 10. drag due to the creation of lift
  8. 11. resists the rotation of the prop
  9. 13. the body of an aircraft
  10. 18. imaginary point where the total weight of an object may be thought to be concentrated
  11. 20. a rising air current produced when the Earth's surface is heated
  12. 23. imaginary straight line connecting the leading edge and trailing edge of a wing
  13. 26. airplane with the wing supported above the fuselage by struts
  14. 29. sudden reduction in lift when an airfoil reaches or exceeds the critical angle of attack
  15. 30. a measure of the curvature of the airfoil