Alaina & Vikram
- 5. What is the Bride's favourite food?
- 6. Groom's favourite show
- 7. What university did the bride and groom attend?
- 8. Couple's first concert together?
- 10. What is the grooms favourite food?
- 13. Where did the couple meet?
- 15. Who is older?
- 16. Where did the groom propose?
- 17. What is the groom's birth month?
- 18. Month the couple got engaged.
- 1. Bride's eye colour.
- 2. What is the brides favourite colour?
- 3. Bride's favourite show
- 4. the groom's car
- 6. Couple's favourite late night snack?
- 9. how many years have the couple been together?
- 11. Couple's honeymoon destination
- 12. Who has the bigger sweet tooth?
- 14. What is the bride's favourite season?
- 17. What us the bride's birth month?