Alaina & Vikram

  1. 5. What is the Bride's favourite food?
  2. 6. Groom's favourite show
  3. 7. What university did the bride and groom attend?
  4. 8. Couple's first concert together?
  5. 10. What is the grooms favourite food?
  6. 13. Where did the couple meet?
  7. 15. Who is older?
  8. 16. Where did the groom propose?
  9. 17. What is the groom's birth month?
  10. 18. Month the couple got engaged.
  1. 1. Bride's eye colour.
  2. 2. What is the brides favourite colour?
  3. 3. Bride's favourite show
  4. 4. the groom's car
  5. 6. Couple's favourite late night snack?
  6. 9. how many years have the couple been together?
  7. 11. Couple's honeymoon destination
  8. 12. Who has the bigger sweet tooth?
  9. 14. What is the bride's favourite season?
  10. 17. What us the bride's birth month?