Alanna's Review

  1. 2. shared, felt, or shown equally by two or more
  2. 6. a difficult or painful experience, a trial
  3. 7. to rule over by strength or power, control, to tower over, command due to height
  4. 8. by chance, not planned or prearranged, irregular
  5. 9. a situation in which further action by either of two opponents is impossible, to bring to a standstill
  6. 10. wide-awake, alert, watchful
  7. 11. to establish the truth or accuracy of, confirm
  8. 13. endless, so long as to seem endless
  9. 14. a person easily tricked or deceived, to deceive
  10. 15. the quality of giving off light, brightness, glitter
  11. 17. to approve, give formal approval to, confirm
  12. 19. to prevent from accomplishing a purpose or fulfilling a desire, to cause feelings of discouragement
  13. 20. to smother, prevent from breathing, to hold back or choke off
  14. 21. the killing of one person by another
  15. 22. to long (for), to desire
  1. 1. not successful, failing to have any result, useless, unimportant, frivolous
  2. 3. an imitation designed to deceive, not genuine, fake, to make an illegal copy
  3. 4. a swindler, deceiver, one who uses a false name or character in order to chat
  4. 5. not productive, bare
  5. 7. to take apart, to strip of something
  6. 11. having life, living, necessary to life, essential, key, crucial
  7. 12. inclined to argue or debate, provoking debate
  8. 16. to burn slightly, a burn at the ends or edges
  9. 18. to order as a rule or course to be followed, to order for medical purposes
  10. 19. a play filled with ridiculous or absurd happenings, broad or far-fetched humor, a ridiculous sham