Alberta's Natural Resources

  1. 3. the type of farming that raises livestock
  2. 9. wood sawed into beams and boards of convenient sizes
  3. 10. a very useful energy source
  4. 11. a long layer beneath the Earth's surface
  5. 12. fossil fuel that is primarily used for energy generation in Alberta
  6. 14. the natural resource that produces oxygen
  7. 17. adjective to describe a resource that cannot be replaced
  8. 18. thick, sticky tar made of oil
  9. 20. industry that involves the cutting down of trees and converting them into useful materials
  1. 1. food product obtained from bee-keeping
  2. 2. the careful use of natural resources in order that they do not run out
  3. 4. the growing of crops and raising of animals
  4. 5. type of renewable alternate energy source that uses sunlight
  5. 6. the return of an area to its original state after it was mined
  6. 7. an important cereal crop grown in Alberta
  7. 8. natural gas that is mainly use for heating homes in Alberta and is a biofuel from animal wastes
  8. 13. adjective to describe a useful resource that is replaceable, so it last for the future
  9. 14. the type of fuel that come from the remains of ancient plants and animals
  10. 15. fossil fuel found in Alberta that is the largest oil reserve in the world
  11. 16. water supply for cultivated lands
  12. 19. the ability to do work