Alchemy Crossword Puzzle

  1. 1. Bombastic triad (2 wds., Lat.)
  2. 4. Latin for the Great Work (2 wds.)
  3. 5. The alchemist, not the queen
  4. 6. Uncultivated, greedy alchemists
  5. 10. Alchemist capable of achieving the discipline's grand arcana
  6. 12. Synonym of iatrochemistry
  7. 13. George Starkey's pseudonym (2 wds., Grk.)
  8. 15. Daoist internal alchemy
  9. 16. Book of Aquarius starting material
  10. 17. Latinization of Jabir
  11. 18. Serpent eating its own tail
  12. 23. Water of life (Lat.)
  13. 26. Healing liquids
  14. 28. Tasty friar from the 13th century (2 wds., Eng.)
  15. 33. Dry path (2 wds., Lat.)
  16. 35. Little man in a bottle
  17. 36. Funny theory of medicine
  18. 40. Tyrolese printmaker's surname
  19. 41. "The Hieroglyphic _____"
  20. 42. "Visita interiorem terrae rectificando invenies occultum lapidem"
  21. 43. The Thrice-Greatest
  22. 47. Wet path (2 wds., Lat.)
  23. 48. "Solve et _____" (Lat.)
  24. 50. The greatest (other) name in alchemy (Lat.)
  25. 51. Italian alchemist full of secrets to make up (2 wds., It.)
  26. 53. Indian rejuvenating alchemy
  27. 55. Image representing an alchemical concept
  28. 56. Jupiter's metal
  29. 57. "The _____ that is no stone"
  30. 58. "One _____ opens another"
  31. 59. Paulo's famous novel (2 wds., Eng.)
  32. 60. Silent book of alchemy (2 wds., Lat.)
  33. 63. Sympathetic medicine for an armament (2 wds., Eng.)
  34. 64. Wisely prepared, philosophically purified
  35. 65. Mother of modern spiritual alchemy, South's daughter (3 wds., Eng.)
  36. 66. Pseudo-Arnald of Villanova compares the treatment of mercury to the life of this figure, title
  37. 69. "_____ of Pergamon"
  38. 70. "Comte de Saint _____" (Fr.)
  39. 72. Argued for water-based monism, surname (2 wds., Dut.)
  40. 73. The body
  41. 74. Authority on Newtonian alchemy (2 wds., Eng.)
  42. 80. Popular anime (abbr.)
  43. 81. Silver-making
  44. 85. Analogy between the terrestrial and the celestial (2 wds., Eng.)
  45. 87. Accidentally discovered phosphorus (2 wds., Ger.)
  46. 88. Process of death, awaiting rebirth
  47. 89. Playing with Carl's dark side (2 wds., Eng.)
  48. 90. Not-so-sceptical chymist (2 wds., Eng.)
  49. 91. Produced 12 Keys (2 wds., Eng.)
  50. 92. Product of the union of the male and female, the Rebis
  51. 93. He wrote "The Alchemist" (1610) (2 wds., Eng.)
  52. 94. Process for increasing the potency of the Red Stone
  53. 95. Latinization of a Persian skeptic
  54. 96. Important theoretical dyad (2 wds., Eng.)
  1. 2. Nicolas' soror mystica
  2. 3. Cathedrals and mysteries
  3. 7. The final stage, iosis (Lat.)
  4. 8. Quicksilver, copper, iron, tin, and lead (2 wds., Eng.)
  5. 9. Color of the hungry lion
  6. 11. Sum of Perfection (2 wds., Lat.)
  7. 14. Introduced alchemy to Europe in 1144 CE (3 wds., Eng.)
  8. 19. Johns Hopkins historian (2 wds., Eng.)
  9. 20. "Rose-garden of the _____"
  10. 21. "Cognitionis est donum _____" (Lat.)
  11. 22. Earth, fire, water, ...
  12. 24. "The Triumphal Chariot of _____"
  13. 25. Ripley described 12 of these
  14. 27. "Powder of _____"
  15. 29. Universal solvent
  16. 30. Animals with a special language
  17. 31. Maria the Jewess' double boiler (2 wds., Fr.)
  18. 32. Lapis philosophorum (2 wds., Eng.)
  19. 34. "The Secret _____"
  20. 37. Christian Rosenkreutz' ceremony (2 wds., Eng.)
  21. 38. Bartlett's mentor (2 wds., Lat.)
  22. 39. "Stephanos of _____"
  23. 44. Hermes' sealed vessel
  24. 45. Dee's right-hand man (2 wds., Eng.)
  25. 46. Fifth element
  26. 48. Gold-making
  27. 49. "The Ladder of the _____"
  28. 52. Splendor of the Sun (2 wds., Lat.)
  29. 54. This ultimate arcanum likely inspired a major Lovecraftian deity
  30. 56. Greatest compendium of alchemical texts (2 wds., Lat.)
  31. 61. "The Peacock's _____"
  32. 62. Either your favorite or least favorite Hermetic text
  33. 66. Homer's golden links
  34. 67. First Matter (2 wds., Lat.)
  35. 68. Paracelsian iatrochemistry
  36. 71. Alchemical codenames (Ger.)
  37. 75. Tabula Smaragdina (2 wds., Eng.)
  38. 76. Psychological approach
  39. 77. Wrote a million words on alchemy (2 wds., Eng.)
  40. 78. Term used to signify the overlap of alchemy and early modern chemistry
  41. 79. A.E. ...stand by
  42. 82. Canon of Bridlington (2 wds., Eng.)
  43. 83. "King _____ II"
  44. 84. "The Doctrine of _____"
  45. 86. Zosimos' student