Alexis Olson 7th

  1. 3. (honor and virtue) is highest. excellence to which epic heroes can aspire.
  2. 5. (excessive pride) is man’s downfall.
  3. 6. the meter (rhythmic pattern of syllables) of Homer’s epic poems.
  4. 9. that great writers–-including Virgil, Dante, Shakespeare and Stephen Crane.
  5. 10. in which a writer/bard requests divine help incomposing or reciting his work.
  6. 14. in Greek mythology, were the white-robed goddesses of destiny.
  7. 17. God of prophecy, music, poetry, and medicine.
  8. 18. God of fire and metalwork who built the palaces in which the Olympian
  9. 19. oral storyteller.
  10. 21. God of the sea and brother of Zeus.
  1. 1. Goddess of the home and hearth and sister of Zeus.
  2. 2. improbable solution in a story characterized when a seemingly unsolvable problem is suddenly and abruptly solved with the unexpecÿed intervention of some new event,character, ability, or
  3. 4. King and protector of the gods and humankind.
  4. 7. can only be won in battle.
  5. 8. lived.
  6. 11. first great work of western literature.
  7. 12. served to fill in the blanks wherever there were no public records.
  8. 13. The Titan ruler.
  9. 15. were a mixture of Mediterranean and Northern peoples.
  10. 16. was born in the restless Greek world of the early 8th century B.C.E.
  11. 20. God of war and the son of Zeus and Hera.