Alex's amazing crossword

  1. 2. something you listen to
  2. 3. aussie sport
  3. 5. most famous sport in the world
  4. 7. mum and dad
  5. 9. delicious food with many flavours
  6. 10. animal
  7. 14. social media
  8. 16. a shooe or clothing
  9. 17. things that explode lava
  10. 18. Australian bird
  1. 1. Ipad Iphone
  2. 4. my name
  3. 6. fun and important thing to learn
  4. 8. any type of food on a stick
  5. 11. ps4/xbox
  6. 12. social media
  7. 13. soccer position
  8. 15. learning place