Algebra Vocab

  1. 3. The ordered pair associated with each point in the xy- coordinate plane
  2. 8. ax²+bx+c=0
  3. 10. One of the four regions formed by the intersecting axes in a regular coordinate system
  4. 11. Any set of ordered pairs
  5. 13. A number that can be written as a fraction
  6. 14. Y=mx+b
  7. 15. Order doesn't matter with addition or multiplication
  8. 17. that are the same distance away from zero but on opposite sides of it.
  9. 18. The point (h,k)
  10. 20. Multiplication is distributive over addition
  11. 22. b²-4ac
  12. 23. The graph of the equation in the form y-k=a(x-h)²
  13. 24. A number a variable, or the product of a constant and one or more variables
  14. 25. The numerical factor of a term
  15. 26. The distance between the graph of a number and zero.
  1. 1. y-Y=M(x-X)
  2. 2. The set consisting of all rational and irrational numbers
  3. 4. Any number in the form bi
  4. 5. An integer greater then one whose only positive integral factors are itself and one
  5. 6. A numerical expression; a variable; or a sum, difference, product, or quotient that contains one or more variables
  6. 7. Grouping doesn't matter with addition and multiplication
  7. 9. A number in the form a+bi
  8. 12. A relation in which different ordered pairs have different first coordinates
  9. 16. The point (0,0)
  10. 19. Ax+By=C
  11. 21. A number that is infinite and non-repeating