  1. 2. The one who survives
  2. 3. rags to ____
  3. 5. synonymous with maturity
  4. 9. 1895:the Spanish-American ___
  5. 10. She learned to cook
  6. 12. The product of the Lost Generation
  7. 13. Whose dream?
  8. 15. What do the Americans have
  9. 16. Important drink
  1. 1. Whose house do you clean
  2. 4. A topic discussed a lot during the environmental degradation of the gilded age
  3. 6. What do you consider whilst cleaning
  4. 7. Synonym: Seclusion
  5. 8. eyes alliterative to the Ancient Angel's
  6. 9. End Goal for American Dream
  7. 11. Bar made by someone unlikable
  8. 14. Car Crash Related Death