All About Avery!

  1. 2. Favourite Place Avery has Travelled to
  2. 7. Avery's Fave Colour
  3. 8. Hospital Avery was born at
  4. 10. Sport Avery Played
  5. 13. Avery's Dream Pet
  6. 15. Avery's Fave Cheese
  7. 16. Avery's Dream Night Out is at the ________
  8. 17. Avery's Favourite Scent
  1. 1. Name of first cat
  2. 3. Avery's Strongest Area in Biology
  3. 4. Avery's Fave Drink
  4. 5. Avery's Zodiac
  5. 6. Best kind of Cake
  6. 9. Avery is the Year of the _____
  7. 11. Avery's Favourite Season
  8. 12. How times has Avery pooped on the day she is writing this
  9. 14. Avery's Most Watched Movie