All about Genetics!

  1. 4. differences among individuals belonging to the same specie
  2. 5. two dominant allele
  3. 7. deals with the chemical nature of the gene
  4. 9. scientific name of green peas
  5. 11. Square diagram made of boxes
  6. 12. these factors are segments of DNA
  7. 15. first two organisms that are crossed in breedingexp.
  8. 16. observed trait
  9. 17. deals with mechanism of heredity
  10. 18. produce only one form of a particular trait
  1. 1. alternative forms of trait
  2. 2. strong allele
  3. 3. inheritance involving one pair of characters
  4. 6. father of genetics
  5. 8. that are covered up
  6. 9. observable expressions of trait
  7. 10. reviews of the basic law of inheritance
  8. 11. focuses on the behavior of a particular gene
  9. 13. one dominant and one recessive
  10. 14. passing of characteristics