All About Harry Luxton

  1. 2. My neighbourhood
  2. 3. My favourite cuisine
  3. 5. The place I was born
  4. 7. My favourite biscuit
  5. 9. My favourite candy
  6. 11. My favourite food
  7. 12. My favourite type of pasta
  8. 13. What I call my maternal grandma
  9. 14. My Chinese Zodiac sign
  10. 16. My favourite ice cream flavour
  11. 17. My dominant language
  12. 19. How many siblings I have
  13. 21. I like to eat noodle _____
  14. 22. I live at 5 Harts ______
  15. 23. My star sign
  16. 24. My dad’s name
  17. 26. My favourite colour
  1. 1. My favourite video game
  2. 4. The month of my birthday
  3. 6. My favourite sport
  4. 8. My favourite animal
  5. 10. My favourite subject
  6. 12. My mum’s family lives in ______
  7. 15. An instrument I can play
  8. 16. My secondary language
  9. 18. My middle name
  10. 20. My mother’s name
  11. 25. My favourite word