All About John

  1. 1. John's birthday month
  2. 3. John's favorite drink
  3. 5. John's favorite T.V. show
  4. 8. John's police nickname
  5. 11. The date of John's birthday
  6. 12. John's favorite sport to play
  7. 14. John's normal nickname
  8. 15. John's favorite electronic
  9. 16. John's favorite dessert
  10. 21. John's Tug Hill nickname
  11. 22. John's favorite travel destination
  1. 2. John's favorite baseball team
  2. 4. John's favorite singer
  3. 6. John's favorite farm toy
  4. 7. John's last name
  5. 9. John's favorite North travel destination
  6. 10. John's old job
  7. 13. The animal that John likes to hunt
  8. 16. The type of car that John has
  9. 17. John's favorite sport to watch
  10. 18. John's favorite grocery store
  11. 19. John's favorite restaurant
  12. 20. John's favorite meal