All about Kathe

  1. 4. Second daughter
  2. 6. Where she was born
  3. 9. Middle name
  4. 10. Her wheels
  5. 12. Kathe thinks golf is
  6. 15. Brother
  7. 17. Month she met husband
  8. 18. Anniversary month,
  9. 19. What's her sign
  1. 1. Favorite holiday
  2. 2. Favorite Color
  3. 3. 83864
  4. 5. What she hordes
  5. 7. Favorite Restaurant
  6. 8. Oldest Daughter
  7. 11. One of her hobbies
  8. 13. Husband
  9. 14. A squash
  10. 16. what Kathe did on her first date with Jim