All About Me (well not ALL, just a little)

  1. 3. What I say when I don't know what to say
  2. 4. Favorite ice cream flavor
  3. 6. Dream dog
  4. 7. Algebra or geometry
  5. 8. Least favorite food
  6. 12. Most used word to describe me
  7. 13. Most felt emotions
  8. 16. Favorite book and movie genre
  9. 17. How many siblings I have
  10. 18. I don't actually mean this
  11. 19. I'm just speechless
  12. 21. My favorite color
  1. 1. Favorite song
  2. 2. Favorite holiday
  3. 5. Dream job
  4. 6. Rainy or sunny
  5. 9. Biggest fear
  6. 10. My least favorite saying
  7. 11. My response to almost anything
  8. 14. Favorite number
  9. 15. Color of my eyes
  10. 20. My favoritist person ever