all about michael

  1. 4. month i was born?
  2. 8. my favorite game console?
  3. 10. where was i born?
  4. 11. my first name?
  5. 12. type of phone brand?
  6. 14. whats my favorite sport to play?
  7. 16. rug my favorite youtuber?
  8. 18. my favorite season?
  9. 19. my middle name?
  10. 20. whatÅ› my favorite shoe brand?
  11. 22. helps you smell better
  12. 23. what sport do i watch?
  1. 1. things what show do i watch the most?
  2. 2. what is my favorite subject?
  3. 3. my favorite candy?
  4. 5. i listen to this everyday?
  5. 6. my favorite fruit?
  6. 7. something that is always in my pocket
  7. 9. my favorite color?
  8. 13. my favorite food to eat?
  9. 15. my dog name?
  10. 17. whats my favorite dessert?
  11. 21. my hobby is with a alley