All About Money

  1. 3. It is believed that the average household has this much in loose change somewhere in the house or car.
  2. 5. What dollar bill has the shortest circulation life span at 18 months?
  3. 8. On average, most coins stay in circulation this many years.
  4. 9. Printed money was first used in this country.
  5. 12. Number of countries besides the U.S. that use the our money as their currency.
  6. 15. What was the name of the first credit card?
  7. 19. What country is known as the largest counterfeiter of money?
  8. 22. When Ben Franklin designed the coin, he engraved a motto that said "Mind your ___"
  9. 23. He designed the first penny (not a president).
  10. 26. What percent of the worlds currency is actual "physical" money?
  11. 27. What president appears on the $5 bill?
  12. 28. What dollar spends the longest time in circulation?
  13. 32. The 1st Bitcoin transaction was for 2 pizza's at this franchise.
  14. 34. On the back of a $5 bill is a list of all of these.
  15. 36. This economic occurrence cause the value of money to decrease
  16. 37. The term banks used for dollars
  1. 1. The Secret Service was created to prevent this
  2. 2. What is the average age that people start collecting social security?
  3. 4. Money isn't really made of paper its mostly made of this?
  4. 6. This presidents wife is the only women to appear on paper money.
  5. 7. What president appears on the $2 bill?
  6. 10. The official name for the study of money.
  7. 11. Acronym for the agency that prints dollar bills.
  8. 13. The total amount of money brought in by a company over a set time.
  9. 14. US president that appears on the $20 bill.
  10. 16. The eagle that appears on our money was given a name by the Philadelphia Mint, what is it?
  11. 17. What industry brings in the most revenue?
  12. 18. In what southern state was Bitcoin first accepted and used?
  13. 20. How many tons of ink are used each day to print money?
  14. 21. What does the "T" in ATM stand for?
  15. 24. It is believed that this animal ate over 2 million dollars worth of Pablo Escobar's money.
  16. 25. Our money has not always been green, in colonial times it was this color.
  17. 29. The currency most traded around the world.
  18. 30. Trace amounts of this illegal substance can be found on 92% of all US dollar bills.
  19. 31. This agency actually makes coins.
  20. 33. The process that puts "grooves' on coins is called this
  21. 35. The oldest currency still in use?