All About Montana

  1. 1. Favorite season
  2. 7. Favorite winter sport
  3. 10. Favorite childhood movie
  4. 12. Wheeler's nickname for me
  5. 14. What makes me happy?
  6. 15. Go to milkshake flavor
  7. 16. Favorite fast food place
  8. 18. Military branch I wanted to join as a kid
  9. 20. Dream job
  10. 21. Favorite color
  11. 24. Favorite type of chocolate candy
  1. 2. Second middle name
  2. 3. Favorite thing from Chick-fil-a
  3. 4. First date location
  4. 5. Favorite subject
  5. 6. Favorite college sport to watch
  6. 8. Favorite winter activity
  7. 9. Favorite number
  8. 11. Lake or ocean?
  9. 13. Favorite breakfast option
  10. 17. Favorite holiday
  11. 19. First middle name
  12. 22. My dirtbike brand
  13. 23. Month of my birthday