All about spoken interaction

  1. 3. Look at the video more than once
  2. 5. Give _________ personal responses
  3. 11. Not tested on description but __________
  4. 12. Always ________ the question
  5. 13. Do not describe in great _________
  6. 14. Your ________ to react to the video
  1. 1. Elaborate by giving your ________ + reasons
  2. 2. Be the ________ in the video
  3. 4. Focus on one or two thing that leaves a deep ________
  4. 6. Always maintain eye _________
  5. 7. try to guess what kind of _______ will be asked
  6. 8. Look at the video until you are _________ with the video
  7. 9. Draw on your _________ responses
  8. 10. Use appropriate _________