All About the US Constitution

  1. 4. Of all the written national constitutions, the US Constitution is the ________
  2. 7. Members of the House of Representatives are based of each state’s ___________
  3. 8. Delegates from the states met in this city to change the Articles of Confederation
  4. 9. Meaning “creators”
  5. 10. Of all the written national constitutions, the US Constitution is the ________
  6. 11. A constitution typically describes the responsibilities and these of a government
  7. 12. Meaning “approval”
  8. 15. A catchy song about how bill become laws
  9. 17. The number of words the Constitution nearly has today
  10. 18. In addition to the laws of a nation, state, or group, a constitution is a statement of these
  11. 21. One of the countries that does not have a written constitution
  12. 22. The name of the early 2000s TV series that portrayed the creation of the US Constitution
  13. 23. 13 American states wrote their own constitutions after declaring independence from this country
  14. 24. The name given to the first ten amendments to the Constitution
  1. 1. This court case established the rule that federal courts can strike down a law if they find it violates the Constitution
  2. 2. What’s that?
  3. 3. This is how Pennsylvania is spelled on the page where the Constitution was signed
  4. 5. In 2011, justices of the Supreme Court had to decided whether these were a form of free speech
  5. 6. Alexander Hamilton helped write this series of essays
  6. 8. The name for the introduction to the US Constitution
  7. 13. Meaning “to change”
  8. 14. One of the countries that does not have a written constitution
  9. 16. Number of representatives each state has in the Senate
  10. 19. The branch of government that makes laws
  11. 20. All other laws in the nation must follow these of the US Constitution