All Kabir’s favourite things!

  1. 4. Kabir’s birthday (day of the week)
  2. 6. Kabir’s favourite game
  3. 10. Age Kabir started going to school in
  4. 14. Kabir’s favourite superhero clan
  5. 16. Kabir’s favourite God
  6. 17. Kabir’s favourite fruit
  7. 19. Kabir’s favourite sport
  1. 1. Kabir’s age when he went to Gurugram for the first time
  2. 2. Kabir’s favourite Superhero
  3. 3. Kabir’s first words
  4. 5. Kabir’s school name
  5. 7. Kabir’s first solid breakfast
  6. 8. Kabir’s favourite car
  7. 9. Diaper company that Kabir used
  8. 11. Age Kabir started walking
  9. 12. Kabir’s favourite thing to play with
  10. 13. Kabir was born in the (time of the day)
  11. 15. Kabir’s favourite color
  12. 18. Kabir’s favourite chocolate