All on Books

  1. 4. All of the copies of a book printed from the same setting of type, at one time or over a period of time, with no major changes, additions or revisions
  2. 5. (SLC) A box built to house and protect a book, leaving the spine exposed
  3. 8. A larva of any insect which harms books by feeding on their binding or leaves
  4. 9. The front and back covers of a hardcover book
  5. 10. The pages that have been printed but not yet folded, sewn, or gathered together for binding.
  6. 14. A lover of books
  7. 15. The numbering of the pages
  8. 16. A new book returned to the publisher as unsold.
  9. 17. Worn or ragged, usually referring to the edges of pages.
  10. 18. (abbreviated: ca) Refers to an approximate date when actual date is unknown.
  11. 19. The three outer sides of the text block when a book is closed
  12. 21. A right-hand page, when a book is open and facing the reader. The other side of the recto is the Verso
  1. 1. The covers enclosing a book, usually made of thick cardboard, and normally covered in cloth, paper or leather
  2. 2. Band of silk or cotton affixed to signatures when bound together to form a text block for strength
  3. 3. is a method for printing using a stone or a metal plate with a completely smooth surface
  4. 6. A list of errors and their corrections or additions to the printing, found after a book has been printed, usually on a separate sheet or slip of paper
  5. 7. Paper is smooth and polished
  6. 10. A printed sheet of paper, folded to size and ready for sewing
  7. 11. The backbone, or back, of the book where the title
  8. 12. A book bound with flexible paper covers; usually a term reserved for mass-market publications.
  9. 13. surname of famous singer and writer
  10. 20. Inner margins of two facing pages