Allergies, Asthma, Diabetes, and Arthritis

  1. 2. You can get this from ticks.
  2. 4. Apears suddenly and progresses quickly.
  3. 7. These types of substance such as air pullution, pet dander, and tobacco smoke does this.
  4. 8. Is used to test the air.
  5. 10. When the body fails to produce this glucose builds up in the blood.
  6. 11. They help to control allegy symptoms.
  7. 13. a condition whenthe immune system mistakenly attacks itself.
  8. 15. a company of the federal goverment.
  9. 16. an inflammatory condition in the airways.
  10. 17. Without insulin this would clog your arteries.
  11. 18. a chemical that stimulates mucus and fluid.
  1. 1. Usually occurs in older men and women over the age of 40.
  2. 3. a pain and loss of movement on the joints.
  3. 5. a disease characterized by the debilitating destruction of the joints due to inflammation
  4. 6. to react by talking.
  5. 9. a disease of the joints when the cartilage breaks down.
  6. 12. This is supposed to produce your insulin.
  7. 14. a disease in which the body cells don't convert sugar into energy.
  8. 19. a reaction to a harmless substance.