Mild Cognitive Impairment

  1. 1. Surname Alzheimer's contemporary Oskar
  2. 6. Rhymes with repairment
  3. 7. Metabolic products from MCT oils
  4. 8. Dr. A's first name
  5. 9. strong soap is not
  6. 10. Ingested in addition to food
  7. 16. vigorous activity
  8. 17. sticky stuff in the brain
  9. 19. Some call Alzheimer's Type 3
  10. 20. Brain disease of Churchill's father
  1. 2. obtain brain image
  2. 3. virus sore on lip
  3. 4. Shaggy-looking mushroom
  4. 5. number of curative drugs
  5. 10. Every man for himself (French)
  6. 11. Scan for amyloid plaques
  7. 12. corkscrew-shaped microbe
  8. 13. Dr. A's country
  9. 14. well-known cognition test (initials)
  10. 15. Opposite of anaerobic
  11. 18. elemental metal likely aids cognition