Amazing Animals of Madagascar

  1. 3. An aye-aye has long, __________ fingers to help it get food.
  2. 6. The natural home of a plant or animal.
  3. 7. A trait that helps a plant or animal survive in its environment.
  4. 8. Tenrec’s have bad vision, so they use their ____________ to move around in the dark.
  5. 10. Some people think aye-ayes bring you bad __________.
  6. 12. This helps animals blend in with their environment and helps keep them safe.
  7. 14. A common fear or belief that is not based on facts or evidence.
  1. 1. The surroundings of living things.
  2. 2. Aye-ayes use this body part to find food.
  3. 4. People are taking the aye-aye’s ________ so farmers can plant rice.
  4. 5. Active at night, instead of active during the day.
  5. 9. Far away from other places, people, or animals.
  6. 11. Some people in North America say black cats give you bad luck if they ____________ your path.
  7. 13. People in many cultures fear peacock ______________, because they think they bring bad luck.
  8. 15. The web-footed tenrec is ______________, and only found ten places in the world.