America After the War

  1. 3. Germany Country controlled by US, GB and France
  2. 4. A putty like explosive that hit and burned.
  3. 6. Name given the Korean War
  4. 9. Leader of Soviet Union during World War 2
  5. 12. Divider of communist and noncommunist countries
  6. 14. Last name of spies Julius and Ethel
  7. 15. 1946-52 when 25,000,000 children were born
  8. 16. Capital of Germany divided in to 4 parts
  9. 17. the driver behind a booming economy
  10. 18. Country controlled by the Soviet Union
  1. 1. Brought food to those cut off by Soviets
  2. 2. First black in major league baseball
  3. 3. Leader of Great Britain
  4. 5. Truman President of the United States after WW2
  5. 7. Name of Communist leader of China
  6. 8. Bringing together of blacks and whites.
  7. 10. Country invaded by China in June, 1950
  8. 11. Senator who rooted out "Commies"
  9. 13. Tension between the US and Soviet Union