American Bureaucracy

  1. 1. This agency helps when natural disasters strike.
  2. 4. This President was known for giving jobs as favors.
  3. 8. Amtrak is a _________ company
  4. 9. The person who has to implement the policy onto the public is the ____ -Level Bureaucrat
  5. 12. The head of the Justice Dept. is the ______ General.
  6. 13. They regulate radio, TV and internet
  7. 14. Weber said a bureaucracy needs extensive ______.
  8. 16. Which branch is associated with the Bureaucracy?
  9. 18. Political Scientist who defined Bureaucracy
  10. 20. This agency deals with space exploration
  1. 2. The Federal Reserve Board controls is policy.
  2. 3. The heads of the 15 Executive Agencies are known as this.
  3. 5. This means you got your job as a favor.
  4. 6. Bureaucratic rules are often called _____ tape.
  5. 7. The heads of most cabinet departments have this title
  6. 10. The TVA provides this to rural areas in Appalachia
  7. 11. This President was assassinated by someone who wanted a job.
  8. 15. This means you earned your job.
  9. 17. Largest Government Corporation
  10. 19. This agency regulates the safety of water and air.