American Civil War Crossword

  1. 1. A war measure that isolates some area of importance to the enemy.
  2. 6. The Northern States during the Civil War who were against slavery.
  3. 8. Our 16th president and signer of the Emancipation Proclamation.
  4. 9. An enslaved man who freed himself and delivered a boat to the Union
  5. 15. People who have left the country of their birth to live in another country.
  6. 16. An American statesman and politician who served as President of the Confederate States of America
  7. 17. This Confederate submarine was introduced to battle in 1864, but was ineffective in combat.
  8. 18. Partial or complete removal of a limb.
  9. 19. Formal withdrawal of states or regions from a nation.
  10. 20. Union war plan by Winfield Scott, called for blockade of southern coast, capture of Richmond, capture Mississippi R, and to take an army through heart of south.
  1. 2. A loose union of independent states; name of government used by the southern states that seceded during the Civil War.
  2. 3. An act or instance of invading or entering as an enemy, especially by an army.
  3. 4. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters
  4. 5. A proclamation written by Aberaham Lincoln that freed all slaves in America.
  5. 7. Nurse during the Civil War; founder of the American Red Cross.
  6. 10. American abolitionist and writer, he escaped slavery and became a leading African American spokesman and writer.
  7. 11. Confederate general who had opposed secession but did not believe the Union should be held together by force.
  8. 12. A condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.
  9. 13. General whose march to sea caused destruction to the south, union general, led march to destroy all supplies and resources, beginning of total warfare.
  10. 14. A law requiring people of a certain age to serve in the military.