American Dream Vocabulary

  1. 4. a practical approach to thinking about problems
  2. 5. protected from heat or cold
  3. 7. publicly declare to be wrong
  4. 9. a part of a country
  5. 10. a period of time when an employee is told not to come to work and is not paid
  6. 11. extreme poverty
  7. 13. continue to have
  8. 14. successful and respected
  9. 18. a change
  10. 20. dull or boring
  11. 21. fondness, liking
  12. 22. absurdly outdated, old fashioned
  1. 1. grants or sums of money
  2. 2. an independent individual who does not conform to the group
  3. 3. loyalty, strong attachment
  4. 4. gained something after care or effort
  5. 6. section of a ship for low-fare (poor) passengers
  6. 8. a person strongly disliked and viewed with contempt
  7. 10. mental strength and courage
  8. 12. one who disagrees in matters of opinion and belief; a rebel
  9. 15. reasons for doing something
  10. 16. a person who is fanatical in pursuing political, religious, or other ideals
  11. 17. used intense effort
  12. 19. demand or specify a condition