American Frontier

  1. 5. Texas ranchers began to use cowboys and Cattle _____________ to bring their beef to market
  2. 7. the population of the U.S. and Texas moved towards this direction
  3. 8. Texans didn't have any railroads so cowboys had to drive the cattle to this state
  4. 10. what led to fights between the Native Indians and American settlers
  5. 12. wire, used by farmers to fence their lands and close the open range which angered ranchers
  6. 13. last chief of the Comache Indians
  7. 14. The Northeast region of the U.S. paid higher prices for this product which helped Texas ranchers
  1. 1. the U.S. army decided to __________ all the buffalo in order to starve the Natives
  2. 2. after a massacre the U.S. army forced Indians to live in these areas
  3. 3. entire communities and towns were created to grow one specific crop
  4. 4. a job that became popular after the Civil War because of higher demand for cattle
  5. 6. ranchers got rich by raising and selling these animals for meat, milk, and leather
  6. 9. made transportation of people and goods much faster and offered better profits for businesses
  7. 11. When the Civil War ended there was high ___________ for Texas cattle
  8. 14. Soldier, The Indian nickname for African American soldiers based on an animal