American History

  1. 2. Roosevelt's nickname for reform journalists who dug up information.
  2. 7. The 19th amendment gave women this right.
  3. 9. Woodrow Wilson represented the ________________ party in the 1912 presidential election.
  4. 10. These offered poor city dwellers education, medical care, and housing.
  5. 11. He was a California naturalist whose efforts led to Congress to create many national parks.
  6. 12. This person wrote The Jungle.
  7. 13. ________________ Antitrust act strengthened the Sherman Antitrust Act
  8. 14. This group of people believe the government should be more accountable to its citizens.
  1. 1. The National Reclamation Act affected the management of which natural resource.
  2. 3. She was arrested for voting in New York.
  3. 4. She was an activist who opened the country's first birth-control clinic.
  4. 5. President Roosevelt coined this term for breaking up big businesses.
  5. 6. Theodore Roosevelt's plan for fair government.
  6. 8. what region of the United States has the greatest area of conservation lands?
  7. 15. While President, Teddy Roosevelt was a member of the ____________ party.
  8. 16. Unlike African American men, women in the late 1800's could not do this.