American Imperialism & Progressivism

  1. 2. - To acquire. To begin to own. The U.S. began to acquire new territories in the late 1800s.
  2. 6. - This was the policy stating that all trade between China and European countries and the U.S. would be equal. Basically, it meant no single country would control China (but especially China itself).
  3. 8. - A large area controlled by one government
  4. 9. - A settlement of people in a distant land who are ruled by a government of their native land. A land ruled by a far-away government.
  5. 10. - The decisions of the U.S. when dealing with other countries.
  6. 14. - To remain separated. The U.S. followed an isolationist policy during the early and middle 1800s.
  7. 15. - Pride and loyalty in your country
  8. 17. - A war between the United States and Spain, which took place in Cuba in 1898. Winning it gave the U.S. control of Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines.
  9. 18. - The half of the earth including North America, South America, and surrounding waters.
  10. 19. - The updated policy that said the United States would use force to keep European countries out of the Western Hemisphere.
  1. 1. - The policy that countries in Europe could no longer colonize the Western Hemisphere (North America, Central America, & South America)
  2. 3. - In the early 1900s, the U.S. often intervened in the affairs of Latin American countries in order to maintain economic stability, protect American investments and prevent European countries from getting involved in the Western Hemisphere.
  3. 4. - This is a man-made waterway cut through Panama that connected the Caribbean with the Pacific, making the journey from the Atlantic to the Pacific shorter by weeks.
  4. 5. - A political division of the United States before it officially becomes a state. A large area of land.
  5. 7. - The work of keeping up relations between the governments of different countries.
  6. 11. - This is a highly exaggerated form of journalism that was used to get Americans to support the Spanish-American War.
  7. 12. - A natural material that is used to make a finished product.
  8. 13. - To add the county
  9. 14. - The policy to extend political, military, and economic control over weaker territories
  10. 16. - To get involved. The U.S. began to intervene in Asia and Latin America during the late 1800s.