American Justice Crossword!!

  1. 2. Lying to steal.
  2. 5. A banker taking money from the bank is...
  3. 7. Intentionally destroying someone's property.
  4. 9. Illegally getting into a building with the intent on committing a crime.
  5. 11. Payments made from criminal to victim in compensation for crime.
  6. 12. Human killing
  7. 13. A crime against a person because of a biased against race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, gender, or gender identity
  8. 15. Punishment for justice.
  9. 17. Imprisonment to keep criminal from breaking the law again.
  10. 18. The school of thought that says fear of punishment will prevent crime.
  11. 20. Crime of lying while under oath.
  1. 1. Intentionally burning someone else's property
  2. 3. Helping offenders to change so they can lead productive lives in society
  3. 4. Blackmailing
  4. 6. Taking someone's life with malice
  5. 8. Crime Crimes involving technology and networks.
  6. 10. Threat of attacking someone; goes with battery
  7. 14. Synonym of theft.
  8. 16. The action of assault.
  9. 19. Forcible stealing someone's property.