American Justice

  1. 4. taking of someones stuff by violence
  2. 7. A criminal offense on the internet
  3. 9. The unlawful killing of another person with malice oforethought
  4. 11. threat of attacking someone
  5. 13. The idea that fear of a punishment will prevent crime
  6. 14. Punishment inflicted on someone as vengeance for a crime
  7. 16. Blackmail
  8. 18. the response used when a person has committed a crime
  9. 20. the taking of someones stuff with intent to never give it back
  1. 1. The crime of lying while under oath
  2. 2. The intentional destruction of someones property
  3. 3. a crime motivated by race, or other predjudice
  4. 5. They illegal breaking into of a place with criminal intent
  5. 6. If you pretend to be hurt to get workers compensation
  6. 8. A Worker taking money from the bank they work at
  7. 10. Returning someone to a normal health state
  8. 12. Payment from criminal to victim as compensation for a crime
  9. 15. Human killing, many different degrees
  10. 17. Illegal touching of someone
  11. 19. Any willful or malicious burning of someone else's property