America’s Age of Prosperity the 1920s

  1. 2. In the 1920’s a new form of music called
  2. 5. Chaplin Movie theaters created their own celebrities
  3. 8. secure, new rights and freedoms
  4. 10. Renaissance occurred in the African American neighborhood of Harlem
  5. 13. In both white and black communities, the youth movement
  6. 14. trial took place in Tennessee in 1925
  7. 15. media The affordability of the radio and moving pictures led to widespread
  8. 16. society New inventions led to a young emerging
  9. 17. Amendment The new age of women was ushered in after World War I with the passing of the
  10. 18. of alcohol
  11. 19. Klux Klan Another counter movement that took place during the 1920s was the rebirth of the
  1. 1. improved movie-making technology, new films called
  2. 3. Twenties America’s history is often referred to as the
  3. 4. culture This rise in illicit trade led to a prominent
  4. 6. Migration After World War I ended, an event called the
  5. 7. monkey trail garnered national attention as big-name lawyers
  6. 9. Amendment won the passing of the
  7. 11. Hughes who wrote of being African American in the new America.
  8. 12. after would war 1,Americe saw at time of
  9. 13. Scott Fitzgerald American Author captured the cultural explosion of the 1920’s
  10. 18. culture created celebrities and heroes from common people