Among the Shadow of Black Cats
- 4. Name for a black cat with white spots, often seen on its chest or paws
- 6. A popular feline breed known for its sleek, all-black coat
- 8. In Norse Mythology, black cats pulled this Goddess' chariot
- 11. Black cats were worshipped in this ancient city's temples
- 12. A holiday when black cats are considered spooky symbols
- 13. This supernatural practice often associates black cats with witches
- 14. In Irish mythology, a fearsome black cat with a single white spot
- 1. These ancient people worshipped cats, including black ones, as gods
- 2. Famous black cat companion to a teenage Witch named Sabrina
- 3. A maritime superstition holds that black cats aboard ships bring this
- 5. Famous 1843 short story by Edgar Allan Poe featuring the same animal as this crossword
- 6. A black cat is often thought to bring this, especially when seen at night
- 7. This country views black cats as a sign of good luck
- 9. Common superstition: A black cat crossing your....
- 10. Famous black cat from Japanese folklore, known to transform into a vengeful spirit